General Election Checklist created for retailers

Health Stores UK has unveiled a pledge card-style General Election Checklist aimed at highlighting ‘the vital role that health stores can play in improving the health of the nation’.

Laid out as a ten-point checklist, it summarizes the public health and business support issues Health Stores UK members would most like prioritized by the next government.

Len Glenville, chair of the association, unveiled the checklist this week, commenting: “Next  month’s General Election comes at a crucial time for independent retailers. Latest BRC IQ data shows that footfall is continuing to fall and that many small retailers face an uncertain future. Politicians of all political colours have pledged support for local high streets but what we need now is concrete action. At the same time, the UK's health services are stretched to the limit as they struggle to deal with an epidemic of chronic ill health – much of it diet and lifestyle related.”

“We will be sending a personal copy of our checklist to the incoming Prime Minister and Health Secretary as soon as they take office.”

Len Glenville, chair, Health Stores UK

“At Health Stores UK, we believe there is huge opportunity to recognize and promote health food stores as national 'health enablers', providing a valuable resource in local communities across the country. Our General Election Checklist highlights the vital role that health stores can play in improving the health of the nation, and shows how the next government can support them in this vital role. We will be sending a personal copy of our checklist to the incoming Prime Minister and Health Secretary as soon as they take office.”

Points raised as a call action for whichever party assumes power post-election are as follows: 

Public health and wellbeing 

  • Recognize health food stores as playing a central role in improving the health of the nation, working alongside NHS and public health services – and support accordingly 

  • Streamline regulation to increase access to a wider range of safe and valuable natural health products 

  • Ensure future regulation of supplements, herbals and nutritional food products reflects the needs of UK consumers 

  • Appoint a Self-Care Tsar to promote the benefits of taking personal responsibility for health and wellbeing 

  • Introduce a lower rate of VAT for food supplements 

Retailer and business support 

  • Set zero or reduced business rates for independent health food stores in recognition of their contribution to national health

  • Take decisive action to level the playing field for small retail businesses

  • Ensure that all future legislation affecting labour and overhead costs for SMEs is SME-appropriate 

  • Launch reinvigorated national ‘Shop Local’ campaign, explaining how shopping locally retains more money in local economies, provides more jobs, strengthens local communities and is better for the environment

  • Create bespoke retail apprenticeships to help with recruitment and make it more appealing to work in retail

By Rosie Greenaway, editor