Neal's Yard Remedies launches project to boost bee populations

Launched to coincide with the International Day of Biological Diversity, Neal’s Yard Remedies has announced a new project designed to boost bee populations in the UK.

Pollinator Pathways is an initiative open to both industry and members of the public to encourage the creation of ‘vital habitats’ for bees up and down the nation.

By individuals planting pollinator-friendly species in their local areas, collectively an interconnected pathway for pollinators will be constructed — a ‘buzzing network of habitats’ — helping to reverse the 97% decline of British wildflower meadows seen since the 1930s.

In losing such a large number of wildflower meadows, the essential food sources of bees and other pollinators have been threatened, endangering the existence of what Neal’s Yard Remedies co-owner Anabel Kindersley calls ‘our beloved bees’ and impacting the delicate ecosystems they support.

Together with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, the brand hopes its Pollinator Pathways project will ‘restore vital habitats for pollinators, ensuring their survival and the biodiversity of our environment for generations to come’.

“Every plot counts, from window boxes to larger wildflower meadows, to community projects in disused urban areas.”

Anabel Kindersley, co-owner, Neal’s Yard Remedies

“We’re calling on individuals and businesses alike to play their part … by planting pollinator-friendly plants in their local spaces – every plot counts, from window boxes to larger wildflower meadows, to community projects in disused urban areas,” comments Kindersley.

A free guide can be downloaded via the Bumblebee Conservation Trust for tips on what to plant and how to manage pests.

Once participants have either created or pledged to create a plot they can log their location on an interactive map. Businesses which take part can have their logo added to the project’s landing page, to showcase their support.

By Rosie Greenaway, editor