Opinion: Bethany Curtis
Pact Coffee’s corporate account manager Bethany Curtis explores the significant role buyers play in improving gender equity in the coffee industry and how, in doing so, they can bring ethically conscious consumers better quality beans that don’t only taste good, but do good too.
Speciality coffee roasters are improving the quality of your morning cup through better quality, ethically sourced beans, while coffee shops are increasingly becoming more innovative. But there’s one area where the coffee industry is still falling short: gender equity.
Women have shaped the world of coffee farming for generations, playing a vital role in driving quality, productivity and sustainability in the industry. They pick, sort, wash, carry and process the coffee, making up nearly 70% of the global coffee farming workforce. Despite this, only 20% of coffee farms are run by women and, to this day, women have more limited access to land, resources and fair prices for their coffee than their male counterparts.
Why should buyers care? Aside from the fact that supporting gender equity is simply the right thing to do, it’s key to filling people’s cups with better quality coffee that doesn’t only taste good, but does good too – something that’s increasingly important for eco-conscious consumers and which undoubtedly influences whether or not they continue to come back to the same roasters and cafés for their caffeine fix.
Addressing the imbalance is increasingly important for better, more sustainable coffee production; female farmers can do even greater things when they have equal access to training and resources. They’ve also been shown to reinvest up to 90% of their income into their families and communities, driving long-term social and economic benefits.
We mustn’t forget climate change either, with recent research revealing a correlation between extreme weather events and a more volatile market with record high coffee prices. Tackling climate challenges requires innovation, and gender-inclusive practices ensure the best ideas and techniques are adopted across the industry.
Buyers can help with addressing the imbalance simply by being more deliberate in purchasing beans from female coffee farmers, and there are so many incredible companies, initiatives and projects across the global industry that are founded by, owned and run by women.
female farmers can do even greater things when they have equal access to training and resources.
Cafeina is a fantastic example of a gender-equity group that Pact Coffee has been fortunate to establish a relationship with. Founded in 2019 to give women in coffee rightful visibility, Cafeina is a cooperative of almost 2,000 women and stands as a symbol of strength, female leadership and overcoming adversity. Each member owns a small farm that produces high-quality speciality coffee, and what’s sold by Cafeina helps the cooperative recruit more members.
Pact Coffee purchased almost three times as much Cafeina coffee in 2024 as we did in 2023 – and this will increase further in 2025 as we’ve seen first hand how much this has contributed to its continued upward trajectory. Through an exclusive business partnership with Lexington Catering, we’ve significantly increased the amount of Cafeina coffee beans that we purchased this year. This has funded training sessions, courses, visits to farms from agronomists and support for female farmers exporting their coffee to overseas markets for the first time.
Buying from Cafeina has also given us the opportunity to engage consumers with the incredible stories of its members and inspire them to make a direct impact at source by choosing to brew Cafeina beans for their coffee.
Fairer practices are firmly at the heart of the speciality coffee market, and it’s no longer enough for coffee to taste good; ethically conscious consumers place value on the fact the beans they buy do good too.
By making a commitment as a buyer of beans to support the work of women and give them the support they need to shine, buyers can address all of these issues and continue to make truly outstanding coffee with beans that are better for people, the planet and farmers.
By Bethany Curtis, Pact Coffee