Partnering up for Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July (PFJ) 2024 has gained the support of millions worldwide with the month-long campaign focusing on three commonly used single-use items: cups, drinks bottles and food wrap.

Creating new habits

In 2023, 240 million kilos of plastic waste were avoided thanks to the efforts of 89 million PFJ participants. This year the message is simple: “This isn’t about being perfect, simply choose just one item to pledge to avoid during July and give it a try. We know that when people take part for a month then new habits will be created.”

Anna Priadka, founder, Planetpacks, comments: “Small actions can make a big difference. While the concept of using refillable coffee cups, water bottles and containers isn't new, ongoing communication to promote and sustain their use is crucial. At my previous brand, fiils, we learned that consistent, repetitive messaging about sustainability drives consumer adoption. Additionally, with recent studies on the harmful effects of microplastics on our health, the urgency to transition from plastic … to lessen the toxic burden on our bodies has never been greater.”

Plastic-free activations

Spreading awareness in the dental market is Georganics; as part of its strategy to increase engagement, the plastic-free brand is targeting new customers during week one of PFJ with 20% off, alongside educational blogs and newsletter to increase engagement. “July is one of our biggest months as we have always supported this initiative through promotions or special activations,” says Céline Rasschaert, marketing manager.

Promoting a ‘plastic-free bathroom journey’ Georganics will also partner with The Natural Deodorant Co, whose founder Brett Sanders calls the collab ‘the perfect chance for consumers to double down on their commitment to sustainability through natural products by receiving two of their most used personal care items, deodorant and toothpaste, in one purchase’. 

“Our customers will now get to experience an effective product from another brand that shares our strong values for eliminating plastic waste in bathrooms, and it gives each the opportunity to find new customers who are already making sustainable swaps, yet may not be aware of the other brand. Truly a win all around for the consumer, the brands and the planet.”

By Rosie Greenaway, editor