IBIS Rice is a conservation project started by the Wildlife Conservation Society to protect the last remaining area of a uniquely bio-diverse forest that once covered most of SE Asia.
IBIS Rice directly engages with farming communities, making them the stewards and guardians of the land that they farm.
Farmers agree to organic agriculture, zero deforestation and zero poaching, and in exchange receive a premium and guaranteed purchase of their crop.
So far 1500 farming families are involved, helping to protect 500,000 hectares of threatened forest and 50 endangered species that live there, including the Giant Ibis which is Cambodia’s national bird.
Chris Packham is so impressed with the IBIS Rice project that he volunteered to be a brand ambassador and will be featured on all back of packs.
Full Product Listings:
Organic Jasmine Rice 1kg (RRP now £4.39)
White Long Grain Rice
Brown Long Grain Rice
Semi-milled Long Grain Rice
Organic Jasmine Rice 500g (RRP £2.59)
White Long Grain Rice
Brown Long Grain Rice
Semi-milled Long Grain Rice
Organic Rice Cakes 130g (RRP £1.89)
Original Rice Cakes
Kep Sea Salt Rice Cakes
Kep Sea Salt & Kampot Pepper Rice Cakes
Organic Cereal 275g (£2.99 - £3.29)
Wholegrain Rice Pops Original
Wholegrain Rice Pops Sweetened
Available via*:
Questions about IBIS Rice?
*Range mary vary by wholesaler. Contact Natural Brands for further information.