Opinion: Renée Elliott

Planet Organic founder Renée Elliott shares her unique philosophy on intentional business, and explains why staying in a state of flow helps her calmly navigate the twists and turns of retailing.

We’ve been on a roller coaster for the past year because Planet Organic went into administration with the previous management on 25 April and we bought it back the same day. From the next day, when we walked back into Westbourne Grove (I was so nervous I thought I might vomit or have a heart attack), everyone has asked us what we’re going to do, what we think of the market and endless other questions to which my response is that I really have no idea. We came back to Planet because we believe the business has value, purpose and makes sense. Although it meant turning our lives upside down, we thought it was completely the right thing to do.

I’d been out of the business for around seven years and had created a new craft over that time so I was out of touch with organic, retailing and brands in general. Also, I don’t really have a view on the economic state of play and I don’t stress about the recession or worry about the competition. It’s not worth time or energy. We’ve weathered recessions before and endless competition, so I trust that we’ll be fine. I take the learnings at every twist and turn, because that’s what challenge is – simply another opportunity to learn, grow and uplift.

I do, however, see this as a rebirth, a rare opportunity to relaunch because we are a new company – albeit with a dynamic 28-year trading history. We take the richness of our past into the complexity of our present and indulge in glorious visioning of our possible future. What I know is that we’ve stabilized the business, have a remarkable team, are creative and will grow. I don’t yet know in which direction, but I’m in the process of immersing myself in everything again, paying attention to what’s going on, trusting the process and working hard. The future always reveals itself.

I’m not a retail expert but we’re not limited by that in any way, because the only limiting factor in life is our thoughts.
— Renée Elliott, founder, Planet Organic

Through our annual business plan, along with goals and projects, we set an intention to which we stay aligned throughout the year. This year it’s to create a rock-solid foundation with systems running like a dream. Within that we look for opportunity, work like stink and continuously strive for better. We believe in the individual, celebrate the team and believe that money is an output of good business. We think about our being while we’re doing. I don’t know what’s going to happen in a year, but I trust the journey and I’ll be clear when I get there.

In the meantime, we’re examining everything across the business – a useful and powerful exercise. What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Do we still need to? Can we do it better? Can we not do it and instead do less? It’s about polishing up our processes – and everything really – to make it better, because there is usually an easier, more creative, joyful and efficient way. If it’s not fun doing something, it’s probably not worth doing it.

When I was compelled to leave Planet, I dived deeper into my journey of personal development/self-awareness and created a second business mentoring start-ups and small companies on business planning and strategy, plus personal coaching on transformation. Now that I’m back in the crazy world of retail, I’m keeping my state of calm and peace by trusting in this journey and surrendering to what’s going on. I can’t control the economy, a supplier letting us down or a product recall, but we can respond with energetic, creative problem solving. For me, it’s about being in the flow, eyes wide open, looking for trends, truths and opportunities – and responding to them. And, of course, it’s all about relationships.

I’m not a retail expert but we’re not limited by that in any way, because the only limiting factor in life is our thoughts. One of my favourite quotes is by Henry Ford, who said: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” With the powerful freedom that statement brings, we do business our way. I don’t do what a lot of other businesspeople do; I do what makes sense and what feels right in my gut. Many people in this industry do the same – that’s why it’s such a beautiful trade. If this notion is new to you, consider how it affirms that anything is possible, and that it’s not work when you’re having fun.

By Renée Eliiott, founder, Planet Organic